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Park Plaza Verudela ****

Park Plaza Verudela ****

Carefree enjoyment on a Croatian peninsula

Want to unwind on a Croatian peninsula with all kinds of luxury facilities at your fingertips? That is possible at Park Plaza Verudela! This resort is located on the beautiful peninsula Punta Verudela, just below Pula. Not only can you walk straight onto the beach from this resort. You won't be bored at the resort itself either, with an abundance of sports facilities, fine swimming pools and a restaurant and bar.

On the beaches of the Adriatic coast

If there's one thing that Park Plaza Verudela scores points for, it's its stunning location. The Punta Verudela peninsula is beautifully green and hilly. From any point within the resort, you can actually enjoy wonderful views. Picturesque harbours and rugged coastlines are all within sight.
Moreover, a number of beaches are always within easy reach. This means that every day you are faced with the difficult choice of swimming in the sea or one of the lovely pools. Met een beetje geluk profiteer je van een combinatie van beide. In de twee buitenbaden (plus één peuterbad) kan het hele gezin zich gemakkelijk de hele dag vermaken. On the beaches, you can reserve a lounger and take the occasional dip.... Luxurious, right?

Plenty to do

Apart from a morning dip in one of the pools, there are plenty of other opportunities to get moving. Outdoor sports such as table tennis, football, volleyball and minigolf are all available at the resort's sports complex. And of course the wonderfully warm Adriatic Sea is perfect for windsurfing, diving and pedal boating. Children can have a great time in one of the play areas or the playground. Moreover, they will be kept busy at the mini or teen club. Here they are sure to make friends for life!

Rich history and natural beauty

Park Plaza Verudela is located amidst beautiful natural surroundings. Not only is its location picturesque, the surrounding area is also interesting to explore. Various day tours are organised from the resort to show you and your family around as much as possible. How about the impressive Plitvice lakes, or the green Brijuni Islands? Neighbouring city Pula is also a must-see. Here you will find Roman structures that the kids will surely find impressive. Want to go out yourself? Hire a bicycle or take the buggy to explore the peninsula's immediate surroundings. You'll be in the middle of nature in no time.

Vibrant resort

Back at the resort, of course, you don't have to think about food. You will find an international buffet, an Italian restaurant, a pool restaurant and bar and a coffee shop. Plenty of choice! Moreover, the promenade is rich in plenty of inviting shops and cosy restaurants to sample the local cuisine. And although Park Plaza Verudela is always buzzing, it never feels crowded. The staff are helpful and always ready to serve you. Relax mode: on!

Le nostre vantaggiose condizioni di prenotazione

  • Acconto del 15%
  • Saldo 5 settimane prima dell’arrivo
  • SunBonus: fino a 100 € di sconto per prenotazione


Informazioni dettagliate sul campeggio


Park Plaza Verudela

Verudela 11
52100 - Pula
Distanza da Milano: 538 km

Imposta il percorso

Coordinate: 44°50'12"N 13°50'12"E

Viaggia consapevolmente

Quanta CO2 emetti in questo viaggio? La calcoliamo per te (partenza da Milano). Fai una scelta consapevole scegliendo opzioni di trasporto green e riduci le emissioni di CO2.

Come vengono calcolate le emissioni di CO2? Abbiamo preso in considerazione una famiglia di quattro persone. Ecco quindi come calcoliamo le emissioni per persona:
Treno: 0,03 kg al km Auto: 0,137 kg al km
Aereo: da 0,59 kg a 1,04 kg al km, a seconda della distanza

Minori emissioni di CO2 aiutano l’ambiente. Preferisci un’esperienza che abbia un significato?

Come vengono calcolate le emissioni di CO2? Abbiamo preso in considerazione una famiglia di quattro persone. Ecco quindi come calcoliamo le emissioni per persona:
Treno: 0,03 kg al km Auto: 0,137 kg al km
Aereo: da 0,59 kg a 1,04 kg al km, a seconda della distanza

Minori emissioni di CO2 aiutano l’ambiente. Preferisci un’esperienza che abbia un significato?

Più info

La planimetria

Date un'occhiata alla pianta di Park Plaza Verudela qui. Potete anche scaricare la planimetria in formato pdf.


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Le facilitazioni vengono controllate ogni anno da un ispettore dell'ACSI nel periodo da Maggio a Settembre. Sfortunatamente, cambiamenti fatti dal campeggio dopo la visita dell'ispettore non potranno essere segnalati.

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